Social Action is an educational pillar for young people, which is transmitted throughout their personal training process. Solidarity helps students to be aware of the world’s problems and to value their privileged situation. This leads them to responsible maturity, based on the principles of justice and solidarity.

For this reason, Social Action is also an essential part of the Corazonistas Foundation, through which projects are coordinated at a global level in places as remote as Lagunas (South America), Amatongas (Africa) or Vanuatu (Oceania). All these projects have as a common ground the education of the most disadvantaged people, contributing to social progress in their communities.

Our solidarity proposals are:

  • Participation in the Great Food Collection.
  • Christmas campaign (collection of toys, clothes and food).
  • Sale of solidarity roses (Sant Jordi).
  • Charity Run.
  • Solidarity books campaign.
  • Management of the Community Service subject in 4th ESO.
  • Volunteer at Corazonistas school in Amatongas (Mozambique).

These proposals are made throughout the academic year with the collaboration and participation of the whole Educational Community.


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